
Violent Divinity is Siteng’s elegy to the soul.” – UNXIGNED

Siteng is an interdisciplinary artist who seamlessly blends avant-garde electronica with emotive art pop, crafting music that is as innovative as it is soul-stirring. This Chinese-born, London-based singer-songwriter, producer, and multi-disciplinary artist infuses Eastern sensibilities into ambient electronic soundscapes, pushing the boundaries of experimental pop.

Siteng's debut EP Violent Divinity (2024) established her signature sound - a fusion of atmospheric electronica, theatrical vocals, and introspective lyrics. Exploring themes of feminine psyche, nature, and violence, the EP garnered critical acclaim from UNXIGNED, Illustrate Magazine, and Tunite Music, brought to life through an immersive London exhibition.

Defying the "good Asian kid" trajectory, Siteng forged her own path in electronic music. Self-taught and fiercely independent, she draws inspiration from Björk's sonic adventurousness, Kate Bush's vivid theatricality, and Eastern influences. Her journey from Shanghai to London culminated in an MA with Distinction in Performance Making from Goldsmiths, University of London, enriching her music with literary depth and narrative prowess.

Recognised as a rising talent, Siteng has been selected for Roundhouse's OnTrack and Sound and Music's In Motion artist programmes. As a Youth Music NextGen Fund recipient, Siteng's experimental bilingual songwriting in Broken (Home Is My Prison) earned a Lyricist nomination at the 2024 Youth Music Awards.

“《暴力神性 (Violent Divinity)》是Siteng谱给灵魂的挽歌。”——UNXIGNED


2024年,Siteng发行首张EP《暴力神性 (Violent Divinity)》,奠定了她的标志性风格——梦幻的氛围电子、戏剧化的唱腔,以及深刻内省的歌词。这张探索了女性心理、自然与暴力主题的EP,不仅获UNXIGNED、Illustrate Magazine和Tunite Music的好评,还在伦敦以浸没展形式呈现,全方位凸显其艺术视野。


作为新锐音乐人,Siteng入选多个知名英国音乐项目,如Roundhouse的OnTrack和Sound and Music的In Motion作曲人发展项目。凭借作品《Broken (Home Is My Prison)》中独特的双语词作,她不仅赢得英国青年音乐NextGen基金支持,还入围2024年英国青年音乐奖作词人提名,彰显她作为跨文化音乐创作者的独特魅力。


2024.05-2025.10   Sound and Music In Motion Composer Development Programme / UK

2023.10-2024.04   Wired4Music Generate Fund / London

2023.10-2023.12    Roundhouse OnTrack Music Programme / London

2023.04-2024.04  Youth Music NextGen Fund / UK

2022.10-2022.12    Complete DJ - Point Blank Music School / London
2021.09-2022.09   MA Performance Making - Goldsmiths, University of London
2016.09-2020.09   BA English Literature - Shanghai International Studies University